Apple IIGS Sales Demo
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RAM Requirement: 1 meg
Control: Keyboard
Release Status: Freeware
Year: 1986
Publisher: Apple Computer Inc.
Developers: Ron Lichty & Tom Crosley
System 6 Compatible: No
Hard Drive Installable: No
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Apple commisioned Tom Lichty and Tom Crosely to produce a sales demo for the then brand-new Apple IIGS that would showcase it's capabilities in its own unique way.
The demo comes on two disks and can be run from a single drive system or with two 3.5" floppy drives attached. The program will boot and then stop loading at a black screen. At that point, if you have a single disk drive, you'll need to eject the first disk, replace it with the second disk and hit return to continue.
There are some instructions on how the program can be installed to a larger ProDOS volume included in the .zip, but I haven't tested this myself, nor do I know which versions of ProDOS or GS/OS it could run under. The program itself boots from an experimental version of ProDOS 8, so compatibility issues with newer operating systems is probably likely.