Block Out
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Average Rating: 3.8 (3 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 512k RAM
Control: Mouse and Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1989
Publisher: California Dreams
Developers: Logical Design Works Inc.
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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Block Out should deservedly be called 'the TRUE sequel to Tetris' not only because it was another "fit the blocks together" variant, but also because original Tetris designer, Russian Aleksander Ustaszewski, created it.
BlockOut, however, is played in a 3-Dimensional game field, and is trickier than Tetris. The game allows customised game fields where you can choose the depth, length and breadth of the play area. You can also choose between the types of 3D structures you have to put together. Before play, you can choose at which speed the blocks fall. To see what the play controls are, click on Help from the main menu.
While these features all make for a neat game, it takes too long to increase the speed at which the blocks fall - which sometimes leads to getting bored playing at the same old speed. However, puzzle-solving lovers will feel right at home with Block Out. If you're finding the game too easy, be sure to keep yourself challenged with harder levels and more complex shapes.
Block Out, like other California Dreams productions, is very well presented with very good graphics and clear music and sound. A version of the game was later adapted from California Dreams for the arcade.