Questron II
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Average Rating: 4.3 (7 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 512k RAM
Control: Joystick or Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1988
Publisher: Strategic Simulations Inc.
Developers: Westwood
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: No
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1988 QUESTRON II Game for APPLE II 5.25" Floppy Disc
Video Game - Questron - Apple II (1983) disk one and two
1988 Apple Computer Print Ad Questron II Fantasy Role Playing Game RPG Commodore
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Phonics Prime Time 1.0 by MECC for Apple II+, Apple IIe, Apple IIc, Apple IIGS
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The original Questron can be found as an 8-bit Apple II version. The IIGS conversion stalwarts, Westwood, handled the Questron II conversion.
Questron II is an RPG similar to that of Ultima, whereby the game's perspective is a top down view. Simple key commands allow your created character to interact with their environment. From the game's main menu, there is a very helpful instruction guide and a demo for you to watch and understand how the game plays (not that it's difficult) so if you've got any queries, simply take a look at the instruction menu.
I've barely played the game myself having more recently obtained a copy, but the game looks promising. Simple animation is supplied to your character and other inhabitants that break the rather stale look to Ultima. The tile-based graphics are colourful and well drawn without getting too unnecessarily elaborate. Gameplay looks pretty smooth even at a stock IIGS pace. The game's worth a look anyway.
This archive now contains the v1.1 update which fixes the hard drive wiping bug v1.0 had. Both versions are still included in the archive. If you're wanting to play the game from a hard drive, you'll need to download the Games with Path Modifications volume, where it's been specially patched and includes a CDA to edit character data during play. You won't need a separate character disk either.