Forum posts to 'Games' Re: King's Quest II copy protection For Kegs32, it will go to the asterisk prompt right at the initial copyright screen instead of the "Check startup device screen." It does the same thing if no disk is inserted as well. So I guess it's acting like it's not recognizing the disk image. I think I'll use ActiveGS for now, although I hate its interface, and the mouse emulation because mouse lock doesn't make the cursor disappear and it seems less smooth, and the joystick settings are a pain because Joystick=None doesn't always want to work. </p><p>For Sweet16, she says the emulation will freeze, but the emulator itself doesn't freeze. She can still click menus and stuff. I guess she'll live with it for now and use Kegs for OS X, which seems to work. Your hard drive image worked fine for both of us, too.<br><br>Posted to: King's Quest II copy protection <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Fri, 15 Jul 2011 22:32:48 +0200 Maxor127 Re: King's Quest II copy protection I'm still not sure what could be causing those problems. When does the asterisk prompt appear? Is it before ProDOS 16 on the King's Quest II disk image even has a chance to boot, or after that? </p><p>Most versions of KEGS will go to a prompt instead of displaying 'Show Startup Device' as a real IIGS or Bernie and Sweet 16 do. That suggests the disk hasn't been mounted in slot 5? Some obvious things here, but it's also true to say KEGS isn't the most user friendly emulator. Is she sure she's mounted the disk image and then rebooting within KEGS? </p><p>- Alex<br><br>Posted to: King's Quest II copy protection <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Wed, 13 Jul 2011 22:01:18 +0200 Alex Lee Re: King's Quest II copy protection It's a friend who was having problems with Sweet16 and other Mac emulators, so I don't know. I don't have access to a Mac (except for Sheepshaver). She just said it freezes and doesn't load when she mounts the disk image. And she said she gets an error that says "0" or something like that when she loads in Mac Kegs, but that the game still loads and works. </p><p>I tried it in Kegs32, and instead of loading, it will go to the asterisk prompt. But it does work in ActiveGS, which I think is based on Kegs. King's Quest II on the hard disk image loaded fine in Kegs32. </p><p>I just tried the 2mg image with Bernie ][ the Rescue in Sheeshaver, and the game loads fine.<br><br>Posted to: King's Quest II copy protection <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Tue, 12 Jul 2011 04:39:30 +0200 Maxor127 Re: King's Quest II copy protection There shouldn't be any programs within this archive that still have complete copy protection (some will refuse to be run when installed to a hard drive and require that they run from the floppy image, like World and Winter Games). </p><p>But I've tested King's Quest II from an installed hard drive version AND booting from the original disk images with Sweet 16 and all works OK. What exactly is the problem you're encountering? I did have a problem with loading System 6 and inserting both KQ II disks - it seems the second disk crashes the Finder, which is odd. It's perhaps a corrupt icon file which I'll get round to fixing. Also, you may need to use IWM drive emulation - hold down the option key when mounting the KQ II disk images. </p><p>In the meantime however, I recommend you download the hard drive images I've created which include every hard drive installable game, application or educational program available, which includes a working version of KQ II on the Adventure &amp; Simulation Games image: </p><p>System 6.0.1 install <br /><a href=""></a> </p><p>Action Games (16.2meg) <br /><a href=""></a> </p><p>Adventure and Simulation Games (19.5meg) <br /><a href=""></a> </p><p>Board Games and RPGs (15.4meg) <br /><a href=""></a> </p><p>Sports &amp; Unreleased Games (8.3 meg) <br /><a href=""></a> </p><p>Productivity &amp; Visual Creative (both commercial software and shareware and freeware - 13.9meg) <br /><a href=""></a> </p><p>Utilities &amp; Aural Creative (both commercial and shareware, featuring a tonne of <br />SoundSmith tracks and a few of my favourite MODs - 13.8meg) <br /><a href=""></a> </p><p>Reading, Writing and Mathematics (Educational software - 15meg) <br /><a href=""></a> </p><p>And the rest of hard drive installable educational software (10.4meg) <br /><a href=""></a> </p><p>- Alex<br><br>Posted to: King's Quest II copy protection <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Mon, 11 Jul 2011 09:57:07 +0200 Alex Lee King's Quest II copy protection I noticed Kegs32 doesn't run King's Quest II from this site or any other copies I've found online. I'm assuming it's because of copy protection. I think I had problems when I tried creating disk images from my originals like 10 years ago. A friend tried Kegs and Sweet16 on Mac and had problems too. Sweet16 would freeze, and Kegs for Mac would give an error, but then I think the game would load. I've managed to get the game to load in ActiveGS. I think ScummVM works too. </p><p>Is King's Quest II having problems because of copy protection? And is there any way to remove or bypass or trick copy protection with a disk image?<br><br>Posted to: King's Quest II copy protection <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Sat, 09 Jul 2011 07:00:45 +0200 Maxor127