Forum posts to 'General Discussion' Re: Database errors Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find the cause of this error message bug. It may be that the site will need to be hosted elsewhere, but not in the immediate future. </p><p>Whenever the error rears its ugly head, simply reload the page until it loads correctly.<br><br>Posted to: Database errors <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Fri, 20 Feb 2009 00:32:13 +0200 Alex Lee Database errors Hi! </p><p>First, thank you very much for setting up! It is the only resource on the web I've found which has Apple IIGS disk images and reviews. I've recently set up an Apple IIGS that I got from a thrift store (50 cents!) and I don't think I'd have gotten far without this site. </p><p>I have noticed a database problem with the web pages. Occasionally when using the this site I'll be presented with a database error that goes away when I reload. For example, when trying to load this URL: </p><p> <a href=""></a> </p><p>I received this error message: </p><p><div class="codesnippet"><p><span style="color:red"> <br />'Security', 'db/$Action' =&gt; 'DatabaseAdmin', '$Controller/$Action/$ID/$OtherID' =&gt; '*', 'images/$Action/$Class/$ID/$Field' =&gt; 'Image_Uploader', '' =&gt; 'RootURLController', 'sitemap.xml' =&gt; 'GoogleSitemap' )); Director::addRules(1, array( '$URLSegment/$Action/$ID/$OtherID' =&gt; 'ModelAsController', )); // Load error handlers Debug::loadErrorHandlers(); // Connect to database require_once("core/model/DB.php"); if(isset($_GET['debug_profile'])) Profiler::mark('DB::connect'); DB::connect($databaseConfig); if(isset($_GET['debug_profile'])) Profiler::unmark('DB::connect'); // Get the request URL $baseURL = dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); if(substr($url,0,strlen($baseURL)) == $baseURL) $url = substr($url,strlen($baseURL)); // Direct away - this is the "main" function, that hands control to the appropriate controller if(isset($_GET['debug_profile'])) Profiler::unmark('main.php init'); Director::direct($url); if(isset($_GET['debug_profile'])) { Profiler::unmark('all_execution'); Profiler::show(isset($_GET['profile_trace'])); } ?&gt; <br /></span></p></div> </p><p>Non-issues: This probably does not matter, but I happen to be using Firefox 3 with the user agent set to "<a href="">Iceweasel</a>" (for copyright reasons). Also, although I use the <a href="">noscript</a> extension for security, I do allow Javascript from </p><p>--b9<br><br>Posted to: Database errors <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Thu, 19 Feb 2009 22:25:34 +0200 hackerb9