Forum posts to 'General Discussion' Re: Amazing site! Welcome back Maxor! The updates will continue, so stay tuned! </p><p>- Alex<br><br>Posted to: Amazing site! <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Mon, 31 Aug 2009 00:49:45 +0200 Alex Lee Re: Amazing site! I've been checking the site out ever since I discovered it years and years ago when it was the IIgs Fairway. Nice to see it's being updated regularly again.<br><br>Posted to: Amazing site! <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Sun, 30 Aug 2009 11:54:09 +0200 Maxor127 Re: Amazing site! Heya Blondie, welcome aboard! </p><p>I remember hearing about those Task Force sound effects, but I didn't try them myself. It's possible they're on the Golden Grail collection: </p><p><a href=""></a> </p><p>The Space Harrier demo would be a perfect candidate to add in the game demos section. I would like to include a demo scene section on the site, but I felt other sites were already handling this (although they're not completely comprehensive), such as the FTA and Ninja Force sites: </p><p><a href=""></a> </p><p><a href=""></a> </p><p>I'll add Ultima VI to the unreleased page. There are a few other unreleased games I should add to the list as well, but I'm not hopeful any of these will rear their heads after such a long time. </p><p>While you're in the attic, see if you've got any scans the archive requires to become complete too! <img src=''> </p><p><a href=""></a><br><br>Posted to: Amazing site! <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Wed, 13 May 2009 03:02:15 +0200 Alex Lee Amazing site! Hello all, </p><p>I just discovered this site, and I love it. What an amazing resource! The iigs was without a doubt the highlight of my childhood, so to see it so lovingly preserved here is amazing. The detail is incredible- I never imagined I could find screenshots of Alien Mind, never mind an MP3 of the soundtrack. Fantastic! </p><p>I have a few minor things I noticed missing from the lists. Forgive me if I simply overlooked these. </p><p>- One of my favorite games on the GS is Task Force. On the site's page for that game, I was surprised to find no mention of the cool hack that replaces all the voice-over dialog with graphic, "adult" versions. It made the game extremely gritty and mature, especially for the time period. Once I found that, I never played the unhacked version again. </p><p>- Under Demos, or perhaps Unreleased Games, I'd like to see Space Harrier mentioned. This was a sort-of-playable demo of the popular Sega game that FTA put together to show that full screen high-speed games of that sort could be done on the GS. It seems they did it as a sort of plea to the industry to embrace the platform. </p><p>- I saw no mention of Ultima VI anywhere on the site, either. I have it on good authority that a GS version of that game was in production, but obviously never shipped (or was even announced). You can see references to the GS version hiding in the copy of the printed materials that came with the PC version, if you look closely enough. A GS version of that game would have been a dream come true for me. <img src=''> </p><p>Thanks for a fantastic site! It has made me want to go dig my GS out of my parents' basement and see if any of my floppies are still readable. <br /><br><br>Posted to: Amazing site! <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Tue, 12 May 2009 05:57:07 +0200 Blondie