Forum posts to 'General Discussion' Re: SHK file forked? What is contained in the SHK archive? Are you using GShrinkit to unarchive it? Is the 800k disk you've copied the SHK archive formatted as a HFS or ProDOS volume? </p><p>Resource forks are supported in System 5 and 6 on the IIGS, just like they are on the Mac. </p><p>- Alex<br><br>Posted to: SHK file forked? <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Thu, 04 Feb 2010 10:39:11 +0200 Alex Lee SHK file forked? I'm copying the an shk file to 800k disk on an older mac. when i try to unshrink i get something about the file being forked. any ideas? <br />Troy<br><br>Posted to: SHK file forked? <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Thu, 04 Feb 2010 00:41:19 +0200 kneissl