Forum posts to 'General Discussion' Re: my own kegs32 issue I am trying to set up kegs as a Apple iigs emulator but I am not finding any illustrations or set up guides on how to set it up. There was a web site that was a guide to setting xgs32 and installing system 6.01 but I can't find that any more. I have tried to set the iigs up but failed to do it. It is a complex system and unlike the Winuae which has documentation in detail for everything and even the Commodore Magazines have been saved. The apple iigs doesn't seem to have as common of footprint. Please post a link showing how to get a complete emulation including the System 6.01 set up and how to use it. Also I don't see any programming languages that have been saved for it. Was it really alive for that short of period. I own a ESQ-1 and would love to be able to have a sequencer that used their waveforms is there any such thing on the iigs?<br><br>Posted to: my own kegs32 issue <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Tue, 24 Aug 2010 19:58:51 +0200 methodman Re: my own kegs32 issue I've been using KEGS32 (version "R3" and "R4") for the past 8 years. There is an updated version based on KEGS v0.91 with 3200 color support and border animation among other things, but it doesn't seem to have the simulated scanline option any longer (via the 'F12' key). I actually requested that feature be added in way back and the author liked my idea and added, but for some reason took it out. I wish someone would add video interpolation, an even better way to get the rounded and finer pixels of the original AppleColor RGB. Though not to digress... </p><p>8-bit Apple II+/e/c games DO work with KEGS32, and in fact so well and accurately, I prefer using it over emulators like AppleWin. </p><p>Make sure the disk images are uncompressed 140K files (not ZIP or RAR compressed!) and you're selecting to mount them in slot 6, drive 1. Also make sure the filetype is *.dsk or *.do so they're recognized and can be mounted. </p><p>Also, make sure you go into the emulated Apple IIGS Control Panel (Alt-Ctrl-Esc), go to the 'Slots' setting, and make sure Slot-6 is set to "Disk Port", and Startup Slot is set to "6". Doesn't hurt to change the background and border color to black, and System Speed to "Normal".<br><br>Posted to: my own kegs32 issue <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Wed, 14 Jul 2010 23:46:48 +0200 Mitchell Spector Re: my own kegs32 issue KEGS can certainly play 8-bit games or any older Apple II software in so far as the Apple IIGS' compatibility with older titles is concerned. </p><p>If you've got 5.25" disk images you should be allocating them to slot 6, 1 and slot 6, 2. They shouldn't work with any other slot. Perhaps your disk images are in a format KEGS doesn't recognise? .dsk, .po and .nib images should all work however. </p><p>Go to the News page on 'What is the Apple IIGS?' to chase up info for 'GSPort'. </p><p>- Alex<br><br>Posted to: my own kegs32 issue <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Wed, 30 Jun 2010 00:32:56 +0200 Alex Lee my own kegs32 issue Did I imagine seeing something about a new IIgs emulator based on KEGS? I've been using KEGS for a while, but it's old and hasn't been updated in years. I tried ActiveGS but it doesn't seem as good as KEGS. </p><p>But one problem I have noticed with KEGS is that I haven't been able to get IIe games to work. I tried loading from every disk slot. I'm assuming KEGS supports IIe games. I thought I read somewhere that it did and the disk configuration screen mentions .dsk images. I can get the IIe games to work fine in ActiveGS. I could've sworn I used to play IIe games in KEGS, but I might be confusing it with a different emulator since I used to use Bernie ][ on the Mac and I use Virtual Apple a lot since it's easier to load up a quick game there.<br><br>Posted to: my own kegs32 issue <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Mon, 28 Jun 2010 09:20:36 +0200 Maxor127