Forum posts to 'General Discussion' Re: Great site, now even better! Hiya Magnus, </p><p>Thanks for the comments! </p><p>I wasn't planning on completing scans of entire issues of the magazines, no. That's too big a job for me. You could employ the use of a sheet feed scanner to make the process of scanning each page easier, but then you'd have to take out every page of a magazine. I'm also particular about quality, and ensuring each page looks great as a scan would take a LONG time. See my most recent blog 'Set Scanners to Stun! Restoring Printed Material for the Apple II'. </p><p>I do plan, however, to include sample spreads from each magazine in the proposed book. </p><p>- Alex<br><br>Posted to: Great site, now even better! <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Thu, 28 Aug 2008 00:35:57 +0200 Alex Lee Great site, now even better! Alex, </p><p>I've been visiting the site since it was just the Apple IIGS Gaming Fairway, and every change has improved the site. </p><p>Under the publications section do you plan to have scans of some of the old magazines or are you just going to leave it as information about them? </p><p>Again great job! </p><p>Magnus<br><br>Posted to: Great site, now even better! <a href="">Show Thread</a> | <a href="">Post Reply</a> Wed, 27 Aug 2008 04:48:42 +0200 magnusfalkirk