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Average Rating: 4.3 (6 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 768k RAM
Control: Joystick or Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1990
Publisher: Origin
Developers: Greg Malone
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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Wind Walker was first released for the 8-bit Apple II in 1990 by Origin. I wasn't sure whether the IIGS version was even released. I didn't see it mentioned anywhere in regards to reviews or sales. I have since discovered that the game was indeed commercially released for the IIGS.
WindWalker is the sequel to Origin's Moebius, which appeared as an 8-bit Apple II game also. It was a IIGS conversion which seemed to appear at the same time as the IIGS version of Origin's Omega and both share similarities. Most noticeably, they use an EGA COLOUR PALETTE! Aargh! I can't stand it when IIGS versions of games look like that...Sure, the graphics are well drawn but the stark colours don't allow for even the potential of perfection that proper 4-bit colour can bestow.
Apparently Wind Walker's attraction is supposed to be the depth of story and game play instead of graphics. The game is a mix of RPG and action, or at any rate, combat is carried out in an arcade manner. Unfortunately I've barely played the game so I can't tell you much. As far as I know, like other RPGs the longer you survive the better your attributes will become and that's supposed to effect how beings interact with you. Depth of game play interestingly includes a karma meter, which is lowered if you kill for the wrong reasons.
Anyways, Origin is somewhat revered for its RPGs...I'm sure someone's willing to spend hours and hours within this game.