40,000 Selected Words
Your Rating: Not Yet Rated
Average Rating: Not Yet Rated
RAM Requirement: 64k
Control: Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1989
Publisher: Communication Skill Builders
Developers: Valeda D. Blockcolsky, Joan M. Frazer & Douglas H. Frazer
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
Download 2image Archive (173k)
Download the manual in PDF format (2257k)

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This is a highly specialised program that I couldn't deduce much from by exploring the software myself. From the manual however, it provides very specific uses for the program:
"40,000 Selected Words software is a data base program listing words found in the sourcebook 40,000 Selected Words published in 1987. It provides an easy method for retrieving lists of English words sorted by consonant sounds and can be used by communication disorder specialists, teachers of special education and limited English proficiency classes, regular classroom teachers, and students,parents, and professionals involved in improving communication skills. Phonetic symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)are shown between slashes / / on all lists, and menu screens of consonants and blends. The lists are comprehensive and varied enough to be used with children and adults.
The specific words found in this data base can be seen in printed form in the original publication (available in both hard and soft cover), on the computer screen from the data base, or in printed form from the disks. As with the sourcebook the words are stored alphabetically by consonant sounds, blends, positions within the word (initial, medial,
final, recurring), and number of syllables.
40,000 Selected Words software also allows the user to retrieve a specific list of words through different methods of selecting the words. Options are provided to print out all of the words in a list, select individual words from the list, eliminate only certain words from the list, or have the computer randomly select a specific number of words.
Thus, individualized word lists can be quickly printed out for a variety of uses and/or specific client needs."