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Average Rating: 2.9 (5 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 512k RAM
Other Requirements: 768k Required for 2 Players
Control: Joystick and/or Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1988
Publisher: Arcadia Software, Inc.
Developers: Synergistic Software
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: No
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Aaargh! breaks away from the norm, although a trend at the time with other such games as Activision' s Rampage and Epyx's Monster Movie Game, due to the fact that you play the part of the monster and cause havoc against the good citizens of society! Fun! Knock down villagers' dwellings, eat what's left in them, destroy their idols, eat some scurrying humans, destroy town defenses and for desert eat the last fleeing inhabitants!
All this is achieved through the keypad for directional controls and shift as the fire button. To punch at a building, move in the direction you wish to punch and press the fire button. To pick up objects off the ground, move downward and press fire button at the same time.
The IIGS version of Aaargh! is fair. The graphics are neat, the music ominous but the game itself is slow. By design the game isn't meant to be this way, but the GS version crawls if it's played at the stock speed of 2.8Mhz.
The game could have benefited from some tighter coding as it slows down even more with increasing movement on screen. Fortunately, if you are playing the game by way of emulation, you can ensure the IIGS is being emulated around 7 or 8Mhz and the game will play fine. Likewise, if you have an Transwarp GS or Zip GS in your real IIGS, then the game will be much nicer to play.