As the Link Turns
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Average Rating: 4.3 (2 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 768k RAM
Control: Joystick or Keyboard
Release Status: Shareware
Year: 1988
Publisher: Rogue Systems
Developers: Parik Rao & Scott Pease
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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Wow! As the Link Turns was the reason I needed to upgrade from 512k to 1.25meg back in 1989! An expensive bit of freeware!
This is a cool bit of freeware with a bad attitude. A sign of the times, the inspiration for the game came from the all pervasive Macintosh and the abandonment of the Apple II and more specifically in relation to the online service AppleLink, which authors Parik Rao and Scott Pease were both subscribers of.
Take out your revenge and save the Apple II by blowing away some Macs Operation Wolf style. This game might just make emulating a IIGS all the more popular amongst PC users.
The game featured some IIGS freeware firsts - use of GS/OS, a nifty way to make loading time less boring and a built in funky joystick calibrator.