Big Book Maker - Tall Tales and American Folk Heroes
Your Rating: Not Yet Rated
Average Rating: Not Yet Rated
RAM Requirement: 128k
Control: Keyboard & Mouse
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1992
Publisher: Queue Inc.
Developers: Pelican Software Inc.
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
Download 2image Archive (304k)
Download the manual in PDF format (14874k)

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After the success of Super Print and Super Print II, Pelican Software seemed to stumble upon a winning formula for their software – milk the 'engine' for all it's worth by putting out different themed versions (create wacky Robots, zany monsters, crazy methods of transportation, to name but a few) of their simple but effective 'Big Book' or banner composition layout tools. At writing, we now have 21 titles in this vein and we're on the lookout for more.
Each Pelican title includes the same simple menu driven interface where you can choose backgrounds, multiple foreground characters and/or objects, as well as frames, positioning different elements in a composition to view on screen or print on a tried and true dot matrix printer. Finalised designs can be saved anywhere on a ProDOS volume, so these 800k disk images not only provide easy access to artwork without disk swapping, but there's also a good deal of storage left on each 3.5" disk to save work as well.
Super Print II can utilise all the artwork from each of these Pelican titles, so that's a heap of artwork to draw from for use with Super Print II. I've had a quick try to see if titles can use the art from other Pelican titles, but they appeared 'greyed out' when you enter their folders. Some titles may allow it, but your mileage may vary. Super Print II is the best way to go to combine artwork from multiple Pelican titles.
Many of these Pelican titles support speech support with an Echo sound device, so if you're lucky to have one, that would give these titles an extra dimension as well.
Another great feature of all these is that they are hard drive installable - you can copy them to any folder or sub directory and they still continue to work.
Have fun – all these titles combined, along with some available printers, should provide a fun day for youngters to be creative in a fun retro way!