Bouncing Bluster
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Average Rating: 4.0 (2 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 512k RAM
Other Requirements: System 4.0
Control: Mouse
Release Status: Shareware
Year: 1989
Publisher: Fantasia Entertainment
Developers: Jean-Francois Doué & Jean-Michel Vallat
System 6 Compatible: No
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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Bouncing Bluster is an Arkanoid clone that really makes great use of the graphics capabilities of the IIGS.
The game itself is very nicely coded between developers Jean Michel Vallat and Jean Francois Doue with some neat colour cycling, custom interface and speech synthesis (Quite possibly the best I've heard on the IIGS). Unfortunately, the game will ONLY run from System 4; anything higher and the program refuses to start.
The gameplay itself doesn't feel as tight and refined as Arkanoid, which is a shame. The game's fantastic graphics go a long way to make up for that however.
The game also comes with an editor to create your own groovy levels. The editor is quite simple to use but extremely powerful and makes use of multiple colour palettes allowing you to create far more vivid colour in each level than Arkanoid 2's editor could provide.
Fantasia Entertainment released a sequel which was commercially released in France by Toolbox.