Cavern Cobra
Your Rating: Not Yet Rated
Average Rating: 3.4 (4 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 768k RAM
Control: Mouse
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1987
Publisher: PBI Software, Inc
Developers: Greg Hale
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: No
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How the hell do you play this game? Mouse, joystick? What am I missing? I first got a copy of this game several years ago and I thought it was a dud copy. Having recently acquired a newer copy, it turns out the old one wasn't a dud at all - I still can't seem to start a game! Then I found out - when you actually see gameplay occurring, it's only a demo...hit control-r to actually start! The mouse controls your helicopter, with space bar changing its facing direction. Keys 1 and 2 release different kinds of bombs while 3 shoots some sort of more powerful projectile than your standard machine gun, which is fired with the mouse button.
The object of the game is to traverse the underground training areas of the most feared terrorist in the free world. Destroy all the facilities and defenses. Find the terrorist mastermind himself at the end and kill him. PBI didn't want to complicate the action with a lack of story!
The game itself looks like fun, somewhat similar to the old arcade classic Scramble, where you flew through caves and tunnels shooting down flying obstacles and bombing ground targets for fuel and extra points. Cavern Cobra doesn't scroll, but that's probably for the best for such an early IIGS game; games don't need to scroll if they're going to be jerky.
Oddly enough, I was surprised to find Cavern Cobra running under System 6. PBI's other titles don't like System 6 one bit.