Explore Australia
Your Rating: Not Yet Rated
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RAM Requirement: 128k
Control: Mouse, Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1987
For Ages: 7 – 12
Publisher: Dataflow Computer Services Pty. Limited
Developers: Learning Ways Inc.
System 6 Compatible: No
Hard Drive Installable: No
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I have to admit a special fondness for Explore Australia, having used the program in my teens and it representing my country. The program uses the 'Explore a Story' engine which was developed in the U.S., but all the content for Explore Australia was created in Australia and developed by Dataflow, which normally just stuck to software distribution.
The program gives kids a history of Australia, including Aboriginal culture and white settlement as well a travelogue of interesting places to visit. The program is most easily operated with a mouse, but the keyboard can also be used.
The program isn't IIgs specific, but was released on 3.5 inch disk to make the program more enjoyable without the need for disk swaps for any Apple II with a 3.5 inch disk drive.