Gnarly Golf
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Average Rating: 4.5 (7 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 512k RAM
Control: Mouse
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1989
Publisher: Fanfare
Developers: Jim Coliz Jnr & Darren Bartlett of Visual Concepts, Ltd.
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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Gnarly Golf was part of Britannica Software/Fanfare's serious attempt at providing some good IIGS only games along with the likes of Great Western Shootout, Jigsaw and LaserForce.
But Zany Golf, it ain't. Gnarly Golf's concept wasn't particularly original coming after the innovative and majorly successful Zany Golf. And because of the similar premise, unfortunately for Gnarly Golf, it has to be compared with Zany Golf.
In its favour Gnarly Golf has 18 holes as opposed to Zany's 10. Gnarly Golf does have some very nicely drawn holes and some really clever colour cycling effects. It features neat animation between holes. It's got neat music but it's a pity the same music plays constantly over and over again.
The problem with Gnarly Golf, is that like the concept, nothing is terribly innovative or original. The holes are just not as clever as the ones found in Zany Golf. And it's a big minus that the whole hole covers the whole screen, so scrolling is unnecessary. This seems to make the whole game look and play rather static and non-dynamic.
The crack provided allows you to play with an unlimited amount of shots. It will allow you to see the entire 18 hole course, but it does make the game a little boring by removing the challenge. But some holes are terribly frustrating, and don't seem to allow for even the possibility of a hole in one.