
Your Rating: Not Yet Rated

Average Rating: Not Yet Rated

RAM Requirement: 1.5meg

Other Requirements: 2meg RAM recommended

Release Status: Abandonware

Year: 1993

Publisher: County Line Technology

Developers: Tim Grams

System 6 Compatible: Yes

Hard Drive Installable: Yes

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GSTape will allow users of real IIGS machines to back-up hard drive and floppy disk contents (which should also include newer compact flash and solid state drives) to SCSI based tape drives, which was a cost effective way of backing up data. This is version 2.0.9f0, which should hopefully be the last revision of the program and ensuring it works as smoothly as possible between different SCSI card and tape drive combinations.

Update: this archive now holds an updater to v2.1.3 which includes even greater compatibility between SCSI cards and tape drives as well as additional features.

This latest version has also been updated on the  Utilities & Aural Creative volume.