Jigsaw Deluxe
Your Rating: Not Yet Rated
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RAM Requirement: 1meg
Control: Mouse
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1989
Publisher: N/A
Developers: Huibert Aalbers
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes

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Jigsaw Deluxe has been restored from Huibert Aalbers' original development hard drive thanks to a major effort by Antoine Vignau to recover the files.
A sequel of sorts to Jigsaw, but featuring lots of improvements that Huibert would have preferred to include with the original Jigsaw release, such as 2 player mode, saving games, music, greater degrees of difficulty and other improvements.
Note that Jigsaw Deluxe doesn't come with any new images (apart from the European Software Partners screen and title). Check out the Graphics & Animation 32meg volume in the 'Images.16' folder and others to use as puzzles, or you can always use the images from the original Jigsaw.