John Elway's Quarterback
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Average Rating: 3.5 (1 person has rated this item)
RAM Requirement: 512k RAM
Control: Joystick or Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1989
Publisher: Melbourne House
Developers: Shadowmasters Design
System 6 Compatible: No
Hard Drive Installable: No
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John Elway's Quarterback was the second IIgs American Football sim game, coming after Accolade's 4th and Inches in 1990.
John Elway's Quarterback actually taught me how the strange game of Grid Iron is played. 'Strange', because I'm not native to America and the game isn't played here in Australia.
The game loads rather quickly thanks to it being a ProDOS 8 application and before it even finishes loading, it asks if you would like to play with a joystick (Remember to have caps lock down when it asks). If not, pay attention to what follows... directional control can be attained through:
K L ;
K L ;
, . /
V = Jump/Leap
B = Aim arrow On/Off
N = Pass Football
Return = Select Play
Buttons for joystick control...
Button 0 = Aim Arrow On/Off
Button 1 = Pass Football
Both Buttons = Jump/Leap
With a joystick installed, games can be played out either with 2 human players or 1 player versus the computer. With keyboard only, you can only play the computer. The game will ask if you want a two-player game or a one player fixture. After which, the player(s) will fill in personal details and the game will get underway. The game begins with a kick off, so you'll either be defending or attacking on the outcome of the kick off. You select the different strategies for defending and attacking before each play. The game then returns to the field, where you execute your strategies in tandem with some arcade playing action.
I wasn't entirely sure if this game was even released by Melbourne House in 1990. I did see it advertised by retailers, but never was a word mentioned or reviewed about this game. I have since found out the game was in fact properly released for the IIGS. Despite its flaws, namely the tinny and static sound effects, I think it's a damn fun game. The title graphics weren't much to rave about either, but I think the game field graphics were quite well drawn and remind me of the arcade game Ten Yard Fight. I suppose if the game box is anything to go by, there was actually an arcade version of this game also.
Additional controls: Ctrl-P pauses the game, where you can then toggle in and out of Stats mode, Ctrl-S, Help, Ctrl-H, Quit, Ctrl-Q and re-center Joystick Ctrl-C. Ctrl-V toggles sound on and off.