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Average Rating: 3.3 (2 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 512k RAM
Control: Mouse
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1989
Publisher: Artworx
Developers: Bob & Betsy Couch
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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Kaleidokubes is a simple mouse driven puzzle game where you can beat the clock or play against the computer. Each of the four sides of the 'kube' is given a random colour. All you've got to do is piece the kubes together, matching the colours found on their sides. You can rotate the kube to better help colour matching, by clicking on the left and right arrow buttons, found next to the "pass" button, in which you voluntarily miss a turn. Unfortunately, there appears to be no keyboard equivalent to rotating the kube left or right - such a feature would save a lot of mouse movement from the playfield to the status bar. Gaming options can be found from the pull down menus including 1 or 2 players and a game versus the computer that includes two difficulty modes.
The graphics are as simple as a commercial IIGS release ever got. In a way, it's a shame - there are many computer puzzle games that benefit by cute and colourful graphics. The sound in the game is nice and clear, but the vocal distortions of the aiding voice aren't exactly what you call friendly. At least the one thing all these simple bells and whistles haven't done is over complicated the game making Kaleidokubes a quicker addiction for anyone who just enjoys puzzle games.