MECC Collection
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Average Rating: 5.0 (2 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 64k - 128k
Control: Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1985 - 1994
For Ages: Varies per program
Publisher: MECC
Developers: Charolyn Kapplinger, John L. Krenz and MANY others
System 6 Compatible: No
Hard Drive Installable: No
Download 2image Archive (3201k)

All ebay results related to this archive:
No Results for 'MECC Collection' for the Apple IIGS available on Ebay
Current Apple IIGS related Auctions Listed By Time Left:
Vintage Software Apple II IIe IIc IIgs RUSSIA The Great War in the East
LEGO TC Logo - Super Rare DACTA - APPLE IIe & IIgs - Interface Card & Cable 9767
Apple ADB Touchpad Mouse Mice Replacement for G5431 m1042 M2706 A9M0331 IIGS IIe
Phonics Prime Time 1.0 by MECC for Apple II+, Apple IIe, Apple IIc, Apple IIGS
Sound Tracks 1.0 by MECC for Apple II+, Apple IIe, Apple IIc, Apple IIGS

There's just too much MECC stuff on 3.5" disk (as there is on 5.25") for me to devote the time to include individual archives for each title. So rather than doing that, I've bundled them up in a single zip file. Here are the titles included:
Backyard Birds
Balancing Chem Equations
Chemistry Equations
Conquering Decimals
Decimal Concepts
Estimation Quick Solve I
Estimation Quick Solve II
Five Star Forecast
Fossil Hunter
Lunar Greenhouse
Math Shop Fractions
Math Shop
Measure Works
Mind Puzzles
Mystery Matter
Picture Chompers
Probability Lab
Spelling Press
Spelling Series Toolkit
Weather Forecaster
Weeds to Trees
The following titles were collected by Bill Garber after a big eBay auction. Thanks to Antoine Vignau, we now have cracked convenient copies of the following MECC titles on 3.5" disk.
Cavity Busters
Cleanwater Detectives
Conquering Percents
Conquering Ratios and Proportions
Conquering Math Worksheet Generator
Grammar Gobble
Grammar Monsters
History Makers
Murphy's Minerals
Paper Plane Pilot
Problem Solving With Nim
Rocket Factory
Space Station Freedom
Spelling Puzzles & Tests & List Editor
Sun and Seasons
Time Navigator Leaps Back
Wonderland Puzzles
Incidentally, if the MECC title you're looking for isn't included here, there's a good chance it exists on a 5.25" disk image over on the Asimov archive. Look around in the 'educational' folder with your favourite FTP client.