Micol Macro Assembler
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RAM Requirement: 768k RAM
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1989
Publisher: Micol Systems
Developers: ?
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
Download 2image Archive (288k)

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Another unarchived, until now, entry in the category of programming – the Micol Macro Assembler.
This is a v1.1 release from 1989. The main executable seems to run fine from System 6.0.4 under Sweet 16, but the disk image included has its own version of GS/OS included (System 4). Not knowing even the beginnings of assembly, that's as far as I've experimented with the package.
There are definitely newer versions of this that were commercially released back in the day, so if you can provide disk images or the manual, that would be greatly appreciated.