Microtype, The Wonderful World of PAWS
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Average Rating: 5.0 (2 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 512k
Control: Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1989
For Ages: 8–80
Publisher: South-Western Publishing Co.
Developers: J. Haugo, L. Hausmann, T. Jackson, J. Robinson
System 6 Compatible: No
Hard Drive Installable: No
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Microtype, The Wonderful World of PAWS has come as a complete surprise for a piece of IIGS specific educational software. I'd never heard of it until Antoine archived it, although I'd need to check through catalogues and listings to be sure. if I had ever come across it in the past I assumed it was vapourware as I never saw anything ever written about it.
The software itself looks very comprehensive for learning how to touch type with clear instructions, practise and challenges combined with speech and music and its different approach could only bolster what was already available under the guises of Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing and Typing Tutor IV. It doesn't like being run from System 6 or from a hard drive – although to be honest, I couldn't find an executable that could be launched from the Finder!
It looks like it's been written in BASIC given the number of file types on the disk, and perhaps used Iconix and Sonix, two packages from So What Software to make of the most of IIGS features using BASIC – to me, it feels like other programs that have utilised those programming tools.