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Average Rating: 3.5 (1 person has rated this item)
RAM Requirement: 768k RAM
Control: Joystick
Release Status: Shareware
Year: 1989
Publisher: Pangea Software
Developers: Brian Greenstone & Dave Triplett
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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Orbizone is quite obviously an Asteroids clone. The only gameplay element that separates it from the classic arade game is the availability of bubble shields that can protect your craft for a limited time. The game can only be played with a joystick.
The game itself feels a bit rough around the edges which becomes noticable from the tearing that occurs as sprites move around. But Dave Triplett's graphics are very nicely done and if you don't like them, you can replace them yourself using the game's templates. The sound effects are nicely appropriate ominous computer voices and lots of explosions.