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RAM Requirement: 768k RAM
Control: Mouse
Release Status: Reliefware
Year: 1990
Publisher: Reliefware
Developers: Ken Franklin
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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Plunder really shows how much more important an idea is when it comes to game design. It may not have the best graphics or sound effects, but the idea itself is terrific fun for 1 to 4 players and the graphics and sound really support that sense of fun.
The players, which can be human or computer opponents, are placed in a room full of boxes, chests and sacks, each of which contains an item (normally). Nearly all of the vessels contain treasure. When a player opens a box and there's treasure inside it is equally distributed amongst the players. But the player only keeps the money if they leave the room. The trick is that one of the containers carrys a bomb which, if it goes off whilst you're still in the room, will blow you to kingdom come and, worse yet, you won't earn any money for that room.
So the real fun comes into play - leave the room early and you'll be likely to keep a little money. Stay longer and you earn more of a share if others leave the room early, but you risk being blown up a great deal more and losing everything.
The game was designed specifically for System 5.02, but runs on System 6.01 without any issues.