Pointless v2.03

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Average Rating: 4.5 (9 people have rated this item.)

RAM Requirement: 1.25 meg RAM

Release Status: Abandonware

Year: 1992

Publisher: Westcode Software

Developers: Alan Bird

System 6 Compatible: Yes

Hard Drive Installable: Yes

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Pointless was yet another tribute to the expansive possibilities of an Apple II. TrueType fonts were developed conjointly between Apple and Microsoft for Macs and Windows based PCs and their popularity began in the early nineties.

IIGS users, naturally enough, could see the convenience of using Truetype fonts, which allow you to use a typeface at any point size, without loss of quality on screen or print. Westcode Software, a new venture including some of the developers of AppleWorks, came to the party and didn't disappoint.

With Pointless installed with System 5.04 or System 6.01, you can use TrueType fonts with any standard GS/OS applications - including paint programs and word processors. Pointless itself is only a single, stable Control Panel file (CDEV). Nice one Westcode!