Print Master Plus
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RAM Requirement: 64k
Control: Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1987
Publisher: Kyocera Unison, Inc.
Developers: Pete Wierzbicki & Victoria Hanson
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: No
Download 2image Archive (134k)

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I think I saw this program in operation on an IBM PC clone (an Olivetti, perhaps) before I ever saw the Print Shop, although I was very intrigued by what both programs could do I when I received a birthday card printed from Print Shop for my 10th birthday. It had skull and cross bones border pattern on it! How cool was that?!?
It's certainly an obvious take on what the Print Shop was already doing, an interesting point when you consider Kyocera was and still is interested in imaging and printing technology (and a lot more besides it seems these days).
This appears to be a 3.5" disk release of the program that perhaps took up only two sides of a single 5.25" floppy, but that still makes it worthwhile archive given there'll be no disk swapping involved using it. It doesn't appear to be immediately hard drive installable. There is a BASIC program in there that could be possibly be tweaked to allow operation from a hard drive however, if you know how.