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RAM Requirement: 128k
Control: Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1990
Publisher: Nite Owl
Developers: John Carmack
System 6 Compatible: No
Hard Drive Installable: No
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Wow, you never know what you'll find until you look! Thanks to cbee (Irina)'s request on the forum, I thought – I've never heard of Shadowforge. Certainly don't have a disk image. I thought I'd give OS X's Spotlight search a whirl. And lo and behold, it seems to be able to peer into ProDOS formatted disk images and found a promising candidate: 'NITEOWL_NITEOWLJOURNAL.2mg'. The naming convention is one I recognise, so thanks goes to Antoine Vignau for providing the image itself from his mammoth cataloguing and imaging effort of 2011 ! :-)
Upon booting the disk image, you'll be presented with a menu. You'll want to check out 'ADVENTURE', so press the 'E' key. There's a nice little 'ABOUT.ADVENTURE' text that gives some nice background to the story and how to play. When you load the actual game, there's a game already in progress that it restores to, however you can easily start a new game with one of the options presented.
So there you go! Another rare and early work of John Carmack of Wolf3D, Doom and Quake fame, found!