Shanghai II
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RAM Requirement: 1 meg RAM
Control: Mouse
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1993
Publisher: Big Red Computer Club
Developers: Brodie Lockard & Don
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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Shanghai II was released for the IIGS by the Big Red Computer Club, who were taking over the release of new IIGS games from publishers who would have had major doubts in doing so themselves during this 1992-93 period where it was readily apparent the IIGS gaming market was much smaller than it was.
The game itself was a product of Activision and was released for every major platform during the early '90s period.
Shanghai II is obviously the sequel to the original 1987 release, and really doesn't play much differently. You use the mouse to select pairs of "free" tiles to remove them from the board. There are instructions built into the game to make understanding the rules a snap. The only real difference between this and the original is that you can configure Shanghai II a lot more. You can change the position of the tiles to vary gameplay, as well as change the images, animations and sound effects for the tiles. It's just eye candy, but that's a sequel for you!