Strip Poker II
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Average Rating: 4.0 (16 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 512k RAM
Control: Mouse
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1987
Publisher: Artworx
Developers: Roger Harnish
System 6 Compatible: No
Hard Drive Installable: No
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"Welcome to Strip Poker!" The girls shout when it finishes loading and you're brought before the main menu. Why this game is recognised as a sequel is beyond me because apart from updated graphics and sound it's the same game as the 1982 8-bit Apple II version. Even down to the simple credits: by Roger Harnish. Even both the girls are the same: Suzi and Melissa.
Unlike the 1982 original the girls have been scanned and not drawn. This is going to sound a trite too critical, but neither Suzi nor Melissa aren't what you'd call classic beauties. Sure, maybe they have nice personalities that make 'em beautiful, but you aren't going to be engaged in any deep philosophical conversations while you're playing cards in this game to find out.
The game is played with the mouse, which is easy enough to figure out. I'm not going to bother to explain the rules of Poker, if you don't already know you'll figure it out for yourself playing the game.
As an alternative, there's always Teenage Queen for a game of strip poker, but if you prefer real girls to graffiti art, then Strip Poker II is more for you.
Just a note, the archive includes the second version of Strip Poker II for the IIGS, as the original loaded from ProDOS 8 and didn't allow for the use of data disks.