The Oregon Trail
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Average Rating: 5.0 (3 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 64k
Control: Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1985
For Ages: 8 – adult
Publisher: MECC
System 6 Compatible: No
Hard Drive Installable: No
Download 2image Archive (162k)

All ebay results related to this archive:
Vintage 1985 Apple II The "New" Oregon Trail by MECC Computer Game #H-106 RARE
The Oregon Trail II (Mac, 1996) NEW&SEALED!
vintatge software - The Oregon Trail 1997 Apple Macintosh & PC CD
✅ MECC The Oregon Trail on NEW 5.25" Disk for Apple II+ IIe IIc IIGS
✅ MECC The Oregon Trail on NEW 5.25" Disk + Manual for Apple II+ IIe IIc IIGS
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Oregon Trail, that favourite amongst those who can remember sitting in front of Apple IIs during class in the U.S., has now become available on a cracked 3.5" disk (thanks Antoine!). No more disk swapping while you get dysentery! This release should work fine on any Apple II equipped with a 3.5" disk drive. I could have included the Oregon Trail within the MECC archive, but I thought it best to leave as a separate release given its popularity!