Time Liner
Your Rating: Not Yet Rated
Average Rating: Not Yet Rated
RAM Requirement: 64k
Control: Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1989
For Ages: 8–15
Publisher: Tom Snyder Productions, Inc.
Developers: Phyllis Kalowski & Liz Della Paolera
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: No

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Time Liner is a program for specifically creating time lines, those graphed or plotted lines that allow you clearly see when events took place (historically or if you want to procedurally list when events should be taking place). You can print your time lines for conveinience.
The program begins OK when copied to a hard drive, but shortly asks for the original disk to be in a drive to find data. You can circumvent that, but it appears the program will only load or save data to a floppy drive.