Treehouse, The
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Average Rating: 5.0 (1 person has rated this item)
RAM Requirement: 128k
Control: Keyboard, Mouse
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1992
For Ages: 3 to 6
Publisher: Broderbund
Developers: Leslie Grimm, Dennis Caswell, Lynn Kirkpatrick
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
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The Treehouse was one of the very last products released for the Apple II by one of the best software companies for our beloved machines: Broderbund. We're very lucky to have this rare, educational supply chain only title in the archive now, thanks to Brian Picchi. Sequel to The Playroom, it offered young kids some entertaining ways of introducing them to the world. The Backyard came after the The Treehouse, but by that time, Broderbund was no longer supporting the Apple II.
It doesn't work very well under emulation – trying it with both Sweet 16 and KEGS/ActiveGS, the mouse cursor doesn't get to the bottom of the screen. Best play with it on a real Apple II for now.