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Average Rating: 3.5 (3 people have rated this item.)
RAM Requirement: 512k RAM
Control: Mouse
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1988
Publisher: California Dreams
Developers: Logical Design Works Inc.
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: Yes
Download 2image Archive (885k)
Download the manual in PDF format (2000k)

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Triango for the Apple IIGS was released by California Dreams in 1988 as part of its puzzle game line-up.
Triango shares certain basic characteristics with its fellow puzzle games. 1) California Dreams always ensure a nice animated title screen with nicely drawn, colourful graphics and neato sound, 2) Nice graphics and sound effects all throughout the mouse driven game and 3) I don't know how to play ANY of them. Its inadvertently a method of copy protection, because you need the manual to explain the rules of each game. However, someone might get a blast out of just trying to figure the game out.
It certainly looks pretty.
For some strange reason Triango sometimes crashes on the title screen if loaded from System 6. If you're having problems, boot the game with the disk or try another version of the system software to run Triango.
Have fun!