Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?
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RAM Requirement: 128k
Control: Keyboard
Release Status: Abandonware
Year: 1988
For Ages: 10 and up
Publisher: Broderbund
Developers: Ken Bull, Gene Portwood & Lauren Elliot
System 6 Compatible: Yes
Hard Drive Installable: No
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The third in the series, the pursuit of Carmen and her gang will take you around 1980s Europe and you'll learn a lot about European nations and what currency they USED to use along the way.
It runs from System 6, but a quick copy to a hard drive and trying to launch from the Finder results in an error - the app is probably looking for a specific location (the name of the original disk) for all the files associated with it.
Each game in the Carmen Sandiego series has also been specially modified to run from a hard drive / large ProDOS volume in this special collection, thanks to Marco Verpelli.