07/09/2015: Fun for the Whole Family! Zany Golf Now Available with Unlimited Strokes!
A little while ago, Matthew P. Ownby hacked Zany Golf so his kids could see more, if not all, of the classic IIGS game. I derided him as lame (in jest of course) hinting that any true gamer would suffer failure after failure until you truly mastered the game.
But you know what? I take certain things for granted, especially when I went through much heartache to complete the game and remembering, on a pixel level, how to get a hole-in-one for the first three holes, getting the right touch going with the Fans and Magic Carpet levels, not to mention when to hit the bumpers on the Ant Hill, getting to the mouse hole as quickly as possible in the Energy level and the safe path before the last hole on the mystery level. It's true to say that others won't be quite so willing to go through so much self-inflicted pain to see and hear this gorgeous game in its entirety.
And, now that I have a daughter of my own, I certainly don't want her put off by Zany Golf's difficulty curve when it'll come to playing a few rounds with her old man. So Todd Holcomb, with exquisite timing, sent the patched version of the game (as it's not available via Matthew's blog post) and now, we can all enjoy in making as many mistakes as you like before reaching the score card after the tenth hole.
Simply download the game's 2image archive again, and boot the regular version or the 'Unlimited Strokes' version for unlimited putts. Or, download the Sports and Unreleased Games 32meg ProDOS volume, go to the 'Sports' folder and open the 'Zany.Golf.Cheat' folder. Don't forget, you can press '4' on the title screen(s) for four simultaneous players of family fun.