
24/06/1999: Minor Updates
Added Mixed Up Mother Goose and Gold of the Americas. I've updated all links to external pages so that they won't appear in the right hand frame for the Fairway (I hate frames as much as everyone else. Really :-) Email me if the problem persists.

21/06/1999: Minor Updates
Added the difficult to find Spirit of Excalibur. I also added Future Shock 3D, which I believe is also an unreleased game. And for the hordes of IIGS emulating Bridge players, I've also included Artworx's Bridge 6.0. Much thanks goes to Dr Tom for Spirit of Excalibur, as well as a lot of other recent additions to the Fairway archive. Thanks also goes to Ton for Bridge 6.0. I've been recently receiving the same missing games from both Dr Tom and Ton only hours apart from each other. Thanks guys.
The very excellent guys at F.E. Systems (formerly Bright Software) have made their intense side scrolling shoot-em-up Space Fox available FREE for registered users of Bernie ][ the Rescue.

19/06/1999: Minor Updates
Added Ancient Glory to the archive. Also added a good, totally working copy of Dream Zone on 2image! Much thanks goes to Ton for that. I've noticed different people have sent me copies of Roadwar 2000, or asked if I would like it and couldn't figure out why. To my embarassment, I've since checked if it was even listed in Role Playing Games, and it isn't! It's now fixed.
I've had a couple of requests to make links to sites where you can purchase remaining stock of Apple IIGS games. So, I've included relevant links to Wayne's Computer Store and Applied Engineering from the Fairway's game pages which have specific games in stock. It would probably be best for prospective buyers to contact each retailer before buying to find out about the condition of the packaging and inclusion of documentation of the games you might want to buy.

12/06/1999: Minor Updates
I've updated the link for the Bernie compatibility list (thanks Henrik) and the links to Huibert Aalbars IIGS homepage from the pages Laser Force and Jigsaw, which are devoted to his games. I've also replaced the Transylvania III game box with the real one.

11/06/1999: Sarien URL
Oops. Forgot to include the URL for the Sarien AGI Interpreter. I've also cleaned up some layout problems, which were effecting both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer separately. I've also included a date last updated at the welcome page, so you'll all know when to read the news.

10/06/1999: Time for some News
It's time for some news. Thanks to everyone for the compliments since the page's public announcement during Easter. It's really made the site worthwhile. Just remember, I'm open to game, game box and game documentation submissions. Any IIGS commercial game you don't see here - I'll want!
Recent additions to the archive include Out of this World, Beyond Zork, Pick n Pile, Vegas Craps, World Tour Golf and Magic Johnson's Basketball.
The ShrinkIt version of the archive should be online in the near future. I'll keep you all informed.
I've been informed about a universal Sierra AGI Adventure gaming platform interpreter. IIGS users should swell with pride - the project is wanting to use the files from the IIGS versions of Sierra's AGI Adventure games because of their advanced sound and music, which none of the other versions had. For those that don't know, AGI was the platform with which Sierra created King's Quest 1 to 3 (and 4 on the IIGS) Space Quest 1 & 2, Leisure Suit Larry, Manhunter New York and San Francisco, Police Quest, Black Cauldron and Mixed Up Mother Goose. Because of this universal AGI interpreter project, the IIGS version of Manhunter San Francisco would be doubly appreciated, as it is currently not included in the archive.

11/02/1999: The Site Officially Opens!
The site opens! Please both enjoy and contribute to the Apple IIGS Gaming Memory Fairway to help make it one of the most comprehensive gaming archives available.