8-bit Educational on 3.5" Disk
This section archives 8-bit Apple II educational programs on 3.5" disk, which is the largest category for this format, due to continued strength of educational sales even as the Apple II was declining in general popularity. The 3.5" disk format offers benefits over 5.25" disks by completely eliminating or minimising disk swapping (especially important to retain the attention span of kids), faster disk access, newer versions with bug fixes are often present and easier access to the physical media, with 5.25" disks being harder to find. The listing below is definitely not complete, but I will include as many titles as possible to help ensure disk images come in for popular or important titles for which no disk archives currently exist here or on Asimov.
The Apple IIc+ Software Directory is a collated list put together by Apple around the same time as the release of the last 8-bit Apple II model. It includes a comprehensive listing of software titles, although I'm sure errors crept in (Police Quest II for the Apple II? Can anyone confirm Sierra released their 8-bit adventure games on 3.5" disk?) and the list of course doesn't include titles released after the directory was put together. It's an interesting guide, however. If you have any of the titles listed that aren't included in this archive, please make disk images and scans of all available material, and submit them to the site so these rare titles aren't lost forever.
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40,000 Selected Words | Alge Blaster | Alge Blaster Plus! | Algebra Shop | Alice in Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz |
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Animal Watch: Whales | Animals with an Attitude | Assist Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests | Atlas Explorer | Balance in Nature, The |
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Banner Books Across America | Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid | Big Book Maker - Cute and Cuddly | Big Book Maker - Favorite Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes | Big Book Maker - Feel Good About Yourself |
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Big Book Maker - Let's Pretend | Big Book Maker - Letters, Numbers, Shapes | Big Book Maker - Myths and Legends | Big Book Maker - Quentin | Big Book Maker - Tall Tales and American Folk Heroes |
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Big Book Maker - The Rain Forest | Big Book Maker - The Three Princesses | Car Builder | Children's Writing & Publishing Center | Classmate |
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Cross Country USA | Destination Mars | Dinosaur Days Plus | DLM Math Fluency | Electric Crayon |
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Explore Australia | Explore-a-Classic Princess & The Pea | Explore-a-Classic Stone Soup | Explore-a-Classic Three Little Pigs | Explore-a-Science Dinosaur Construction Kit |
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Explore-a-Story A Brand New View | Explore-a-Story A Great Leap | Explore-a-Story Just Around the Block | Explore-a-Story Not Too Messy, Not Too Neat | Explore-a-Story Rosie, the Counting Rabbit |
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Explore-a-Story The Bald Headed Chicken | Explore-a-Story The Best Bubble Blower | Explore-a-Story The Lima Bean Dream | Explore-a-Story The Sleepy Brown Cow | Explore-a-Story What Makes a Dinosaur Sore? |
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Explore-a-Story Where Did My Toothbrush Go? | Gertrude's Secrets | Gradebook Deluxe | Grammar Gremlins | Hollywood Squares |
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Homeworker | Joshua's Reading Machine | Keymath Assist | Little Shopper's Kit, The | Magic Slate II |
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Magic Spells | Map Skills | Math and Me (8-bit) | Math Blaster | Math Blaster Mystery |
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Math Blaster Plus! (8-bit) | Math Rabbit | Math Shop Junior | Math Word Problems | MECC Collection |
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Monsters & Make Believe | Nature Park Adventure | Perfect Career, The | Playroom, The | Pow Zap Kerplunk Comic Book Maker |
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Punctuation Rules | Read n Roll | Reading & Writing with the Boars | Reading and Me (8-bit) | Reading Comprehension |
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Reading Team People and Places | Report Card | Return of the Dinosaurs | Robin Hood and Peter Pan | Robot Writer Plus |
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Rocky's Boots | Sensible Grammar | Sensible Speller | Sentence Fun | Sesame Street Learning Library Volume 1 |
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Simon Says | Sky Travel | Speed Reader | Spell It Plus! | Spell It! |
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Spelling Rules | StickyBear Math | StickyBear Math 2 | StickyBear Numbers | StickyBear Parts of Speech |
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StickyBear Reading | StickyBear Reading Comprehension | Stickybear Shapes (8-bit) | StickyBear Spell Grabber | StickyBear Town Builder |
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StickyBear Typing | StickyBear Word Problems | Story Starters: Science | Story Starters: Social Studies | Student Organizer |
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Studymate | Super Print | Super Print II | Super Story Tree | The Oregon Trail |
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The Whole Neighborhood | Think Quick | Time Liner | Transportation Transformation | Treehouse, The |
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Vocabulary Development | Vocabulary Team Health & Science | Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego? | Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego? | Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego? (8-bit) |
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Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (8-bit) | Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? | Women in History | Word Attack | Word Attack Plus! |
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Word Attack Plus! French | Word Attack Plus! Spanish | Writer Rabbit | Your School Day | |